My new 3 month self study course is finally here!

My goal is to help you get off contraceptives without suffering through post birth control side effects. Let’s take control of your health and learn body literacy!

Course Summary:

  • 6 videos over 3 months [2 week interval trainings]

    Video 1 - Menstrual Cycle Basics - We begin with the amazing and powerful menstrual cycle, and how to gather your fertility awareness tools together that you will need to begin this journey.

    Video 2 - The Three Fertility Signs - A deeper look into the science behind the 3 fertility signs and learning the basics of the first fertility awareness chart. Make an exit plan so you can begin the transition.

    Video 3 - Deep Nutrition Protocol - Learn how contraceptives function in your body and what you can expect when you stop using them. We’ll be moving on to setting up a plan of how to nourish yourself as best you can to address any nutrient deficiencies or underlying issues with your cycle.

    Video 4 - Regaining Your Cycle - Let’s talk about what your first charts might look like when quitting contraceptives. It’s not uncommon to see a variety of odd looking charts as you first regain your menstrual cycle so this is meant to guide you through that process.

    Video 5 - FAM As Contraception - The practical details of performing this method for contraception. Follow the rules of contraception for maximum effectiveness at preventing pregnancy. I will also present modified rules for you to follow for the first 6 months while you learn to transition into fertility awareness from your contraceptive.

    Video 6 - Supporting Your Body Long Term - Our final video together is a course review! In it, we’ll talk about finding your sweet spot where your body, mind, and spirit are all feeling the balance and open energetic flow. Once you’ve recovered from birth control, there’s a lot you can do to continue to support your body for the long term.

  • 5 Quizzes and a Proficiency Exam

  • Resources related to each video

Other perks:

  • Join the Learn Body Literacy discord server for free

  • Cycle customized menus and workouts

  • My recommendations for menstrual products, supplements, and more


Can Men Benefit from Learning FAM?


PCOS Cheat Sheet